Thursday, June 16, 2011


The array of choices can be overwhelming.

Fish from Thailand, berries from Mexico, peaches from Georgia. We live in the middle of a food-web that I feel estranged from. Estranged from my food. Where does it come from, who handles it, how much gas does it cost to get it to me, how is the farm labor treated, what would life be like without the global network that makes it way into my local grocery store?

Whatever happened to seasonal, local food? Whatever happened to food-simplicity?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Turn It Off

We are besieged by noise. Even in the relative quiet of an unoccupied room with only a computer as your friend. Even there the computer hums.

Sometimes you just have to get unplugged. Turn off the phone. Mute the tweets. Let facebook exist without your status updates. Turn the ipod, TV, and Wii off.

In all of my years of spiritual searching, in all my time groping for a sense of God's presence I have never found a deeper way to be touched by the Spirit than through silence.