Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Clothes We Wear and the Car We Drive

The God of the Bible is a God that is seemingly uninterested in physical appearances. The God of the Bible cares not one bit whether we look fashionable in the eyes of the culture. God doesn't care about our resumes or connections or cultural status. The God of the Bible cares about our heart—our honesty, integrity, thoughtfulness, and love.                    

God's concern for the condition of our hearts, as opposed to our looks, should give us pause. Though we may, and often do judge ourselves and others by looks—the clothes they wear, the car we drive, the job they hold, or the house we have: God does not judge by this standard. And neither should we. Though we live in a society steeped in the importance of appearances, God calls us back to the heart.

Friends, God insists on the ultimate value of the heart—over against the value of appearances. God insists on the primacy and priority of the heart.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Unexpected Paths

All of us, at some point in our lives, have had our plans crushed.We have all had expectations that have not worked out. Our lives have taken roads that we could not have predicted.

Sometimes an unexpected path in our lives is dark and grief stricken. But sometimes, most of the time, unexpected paths can bring us new life, greater joy, and deeper hope.

Though our journeys and plans do not always go as we expect—nevertheless, God provides. It’s my experience that in life this is often the case; God provides for us in ways that we never could have dreamed.

The next time you’re facing a situation that ruins your expectations; the next time life doesn’t unfold the way you had hoped, remember that God works in mysterious ways and through mysterious means. Remember that God is alive and moving in your midst.