Are you too busy to notice that you’re too busy? Are you so busy that you barely have time to tell your friends that you don’t have time to talk to them? “
Dr. Howell was on vacation where he had no cell phone
reception. In the house was a rotary phone—some of you remember those dinosaurs,
the phones that you had to turn the dial. One day, using the rotary phone got
him frustrated to the point of anger—simply because he had to take time to let
the dial come back to start.
His frustration at the phone was a wakeup call, no pun
intended. He writes, “What a fool I had become. I had become a busy man in a
hurry even when I had no need to be a busy man in a hurry.”
Knowing when not
to be busy can be difficult. Many of us are much better at being busy than being
still. Many of us are better at running from one thing to the next—rather than slowing
down. At the very least, learning to slow down and pay attention to what matters
most is a prerequisite to living a God-filled life.