Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Kingdom

The wind is like ice blowing through the air. The wind races through the mossy trees and across the elementary school campus. I watch young children in bright colors leave the warmth of the cars dropping them off. I inch my car forward.

The kids all wave good-bye to adults behind the wheel of their respective autos. All the children have smiles. They seem not to begrudge the wind for being so cold. I inch forward getting ready to unload my precious fleshy-cargo. And I wonder, “Why do children smile so easily?”

The door of my car opens and a teacher, with a gloved hand, waves to me and says, “Good morning.” “Good morning,” I respond. My young child slides out of the back seat, his feet hitting the white concrete sidewalk. Before the car door closes he turns and smiles, the wind lifting his hair, and he whispers, “I love you, dad.”

He is running before I can whisper my love in return. But I wonder, “Why do children love so easily?”

As I drive away I remember something important. “Do not keep the children from me,” said Jesus, “for to such belongs the kingdom of God.”


  1. I love this time before they become more self-conscious. Perhaps that is what happens to us, when we become more conscious of our self we become less conscious of the world around us and the God within those around us. It takes a lot of practice to reclaim that simple, self-less view.

  2. JFrog--

    Well said.

    Indeed, it does take a lot of practice. In this area, what have you found helpful?


  3. It's a work in progress, to be sure. One step, for me, has been to practice Gratitude. http://www.gratefulness.org/
    It's hard to be truly grateful and be self-focused at the same time.
    What works for you?
    - Jess

  4. Mindfulness of the moment and gratitude (something I struggle with but, in the last year, have become better at...ubt, as you say, still a work in progress).
