Monday, October 31, 2011

All Hallows’ Eve

All Hallows’ Eve and I think of the saints who have gone before me. I think of those persons who, with the help of the Spirit, built the Church—in the catholic sense of the word.  I think of the people who, without which, I would not be who I am today. I think of my mother, great grandfather, my Huguenot ancestors. I think of the historical line that stretches back to the beginning, to that first person in my family who heard the Jesus-message. On that person’s shoulders do I stand; I am but a part of a long line of history that is not dead but alive in a mysterious way.

Today look back and be grateful for the saints who have gone before you. Look back at the shoulders you stand upon. And then look up: for those very saints surround us still. They surround us in a great communion and grand cloud of witnesses.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Mystical Experience With My Dog

It may have been too much coffee or not enough coffee but I think I had a mystical experience with my dog.

We were lying on the blue and salmon colored oriental carpet in front of the fire place, nestled between the couch and the hearth. I was petting her black head. And she (her name is Dixie) stared into my eyes. And for a second, maybe two, I felt this deep connection to her...almost as if I were connecting to a person...but different...more silent, mysterious, and foreign. And, if I had to guess, God was moving in that moment. And if that was case, then...

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Know Thyself

"Know thyself..."

It's a beautiful and difficult search into the caverns of bright and dark spots of personal and family history where God has created, redeemed, and sustained. For some, like myself, to know thyself can be the most exciting search of their lives--despite being frightening. But the search offers hope and joy, if mixed at points with frear, exactly because God is present in the search, surrounds the search, and is the ultimate end of the search.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

These Minds

Watching Flagler College students walk into the library, their minds being pushed, pulled, and stretched…I wondered, “Why has God has given us these minds? These minds that think, question, become curious, seek answers, appreciate mystery, create poems, know love, fear, sadness, and joy? Why these minds and not some other mind?”

What does the creation of our minds say about our Creator and the nature of being human?

Monday, October 24, 2011

Providence Holds You

How would our families look, how would our world look, how would your life look if you took to heart that God loves us and all creation with a love that will never let us go? If you were really convinced that Providence holds you within an everlasting grip of grace? Might you put less pressure on yourself and others? Might you stop and smell the roses a little more? Might you follow your dreams?

 I doubt there is anything more important than the message that no matter whether we succeed or fail, no matter whether we feel loved or un-loved:  we belong to God and we are loved beyond our wildest imaginations.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Six In The Morning

Coffee in hand at six in the morning that chilled my Florida bones. My wife and I sat on the deck with Orion overhead and the sound of the ocean three blocks away. Everything silent except the lull of little waves. A moment of deep peace and grace pregnant with gratitude that brought tears to our eyes. Live with gratitude...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


The children file into the day school, their faces lit with smiles, their hair combed or tossed, their superhero lunch boxes held by small, soft hands. They are walking, breathing bodies of hope and love. And I think adults should become more like children and less like adults.

Friday, October 7, 2011


Friends are God's gift of love. Where would we be without them? Give thanks to God who gave you your friend(s).