Friday, May 18, 2012

Spitting on God's Art

I walk out of my neighborhood to a main east-west road that leads to the beach, which is four blocks from my house. I carry a black hefty garbage in my right hand, along with gloves and a 'grabber' that I use to pick up trash, which is strewn along the roadside.

The sun is mid morning high and the leather gloves are sweating. Despite the three trash cans posted along this road, some people continue to toss bottles and cans, candy wrapers, fast food bags, and cig butts. All of this litter is hiding in blades of tall green grass that border a state park and bird sanctuary.

Cardinal and seagulls fly over head oblivious to my attempts at making the earth, and our community, a little cleaner. Drivers pass me by watching from their air conditioned cars; some of them chuckle and point at me, as if I'm a elephant dancing on a ball. I continue walking, bending, picking. And then I have this thought: throwing trash in the grass is like spitting on God's art. And then I wonder, "How many of these trash-?throwers profess Christian faith? Is littering a sin against God"

1 comment:

  1. I had a similar experience as I drove north on Hwy 17 where wildflowers have been planted in the median. Butterflies are prolific and the beauty is breathtaking until you see the litter strewn on the roadsides. Call me a pessimist, but those who litter will never stop littering because they don't see and feel the beauty of God's beautiful creation. And that is heartbreaking.
