Remember how the Bible starts in the book of Genesis – with
a beautiful narrative – almost like a poem – with a rhythm and refrain: "In the
beginning when God created the heavens and the earth…. God said, let there be
light, and there was light! And God said, let there be a dome in the midst of the
waters... and it was so. And God said, let the waters be gathered together into
one place... And it was so."
Over and over we read, “And God said... and it was so.” It's
interesting that God speaks creation into being. From the very beginning of
scripture, we learn that there is something about language, something about the
spoken word that has the ability to create reality.
If you ever doubt the power of the spoken word, imagine a
child who is told from a very early age – you are so smart. You are so
beautiful. You are so important. I love you. What’s their world going to be
like? Or, on the other hand if a child is told over and over – you’re bad.
You’re hard-headed. I wish I could send you back. What’s the world going to be
like for that child as he or she grows up? These two children would experience
two different realities.
Part of being created in the image of God is sharing in God's
creative ability. The words we speak matter. So choose, and use, your words
carefully and with love. Remember, your words help create reality.
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